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I create User Interfaces, develop Web Applications.|


Apartment Rental System

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Planet Tree System

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"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." Martin Fowler

A brand is only as successful as its implementation; great products should not be defined by design alone, but also by functionality and great user experience.

However, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Code shouldn't only work, it should be easy to understand, easy to change and fun to work with. Developers need to strive for clean, elegant and efficient code to assure long-term sustainability and keep software's maintainability ―which goes beyond fixing bugs as it includes the need to adapt to a continuously changing environment.


"Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent."

-Joe Sparano

I'm a multi-disciplinary designer who is always learning and seeking to improve. Multi-disciplinary allows me to plan like an engineer, create like an artist and think like a customer. My creative curiosity of staying up-to-date allows me to adapt to a rapidly evolving industry without being left behind.

Design really isn't just how it looks; the key to tackle a challenging problem through effective design thinking is to balance between the visual details and the usefulness it provides to the end user.